• Downtown Development

    Mitchell's Downtown Business Improvement District

    Mitchell Main Street & Beyond is leading an effort to make major improvements within the historic district. The group has re-vamped the five year old streetscape Business Improvement District (BID) plan in order to generate additional funds to be spent on buildings and infrastructure within the city’s core. These improvements are designed to turn around the deteriorating area and improve the entire city’s quality of life. The improvements will make Mitchell more competitive in attracting new residents to fill our many job vacancies. They will also make Mitchell better able to attract area shoppers and tourists.

    The BID is projected to raise approximately $45,000 per year with a portion of the funds being used as a grant improvement program that is available to anyone within the BID area.This grant program allows owners to make exterior improvements to enhance the historic commercial district. The remaining BID funds will be used for "look and feel" features and improvements along Main Street.

    BID#3 Application Form-8-23.pdf



  • 3rd and Main
  • BID-district-zone.png
  • Streetscape Plans 2018
  • Community Event Calendar


    BID Board Members

    Matt Doerr

    Larry Jirsa

    Ben Kalovsky

    Tonya Klingaman

    Blake Sabers

    Melissa Schwalm

    Mark VanDenHoek

    Ex Officios

    Dan Beukelman

    Ashley Endres

    Contact information

    Mitchell Main Street & Beyond



  • Mitchell Main Street & Beyond