• FROST JAM for Mitchell Area Council of the Arts

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    Name: FROST JAM for Mitchell Area Council of the Arts
    Date: November 11, 2023
    Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM CST
    Event Description:
    The Mitchell Area Council of the Arts will be fundraising at the Back 40 on 11/11 with music starting at 6 PM. Musicians include Mike Catalano, Hey Duck!, Brian Offman, Liz Morrison, and J & Jess. Local artists will be participating in an art show that will be displayed within the Back 40 for viewing and purchasable. Artists interested in having their work shown can send submissions to the council at MitchellAreaArts@gmail.com. This is a public-friendly event that showcases the talent and skill of our community members. Anyone interested in learning more about the art council are welcome to visit with members and can participate in a 50/50 funding raffle. Tickets will be available starting 10/28 and the drawing will be held at the Back 40 on 11/11 after the music acts. Visit mitchellarts.org to read more about the council and ways you can donate or help.
    The Back 40 511 N Main St Mitchell, SD 57301
    Date/Time Information:
    11/11/23 at 6pm
    Contact Information:
    MItchell Area Council of the Arts
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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