How To Join: Mitchell Main Street & Beyond

Want to make a differance! Mitchell Main Street & Beyond strives to influence advancements, development, and use of Mitchell Main Street! We do this through hosting events that support local small businesses and create a sence of place for people far and near to Mitchell, SD! Furthermore, we workwith improving infrastructure, building improvements, revovling loans, and the BID #3.
As an individual, or one of the exciting businesses in the area, you can show support for the continued programming and efforts to promote and preserve a unique slice of South Dakota’s history, Mitchell Main Street. The most important benefit for membership is knowing that as a member of the downtown community, you are contributing to the future of downtown and helping to make Mitchell Main Street a thriving, economically vibrant place to live, work and play.
To learn more give our office a call at 605-990-4500 or email Elizabeth at
Membership & Sponsorship Application