• Lake Mitchell Information Program at the Carnegie Resource Center

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    Name: Lake Mitchell Information Program at the Carnegie Resource Center
    Date: April 11, 2024
    Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:
    Program on the Proposed Lake Mitchell Restoration Project
    The City of Mitchell has proposed a $25,000,000 Lake Mitchell Restoration Project which includes:
    *Construction of drawdown structure for Lake Mitchell
    *Mouth-of-the Lake improvements to be used to filter watershed run-off run-off
    *Mechanical dredging of the lake to address the internal nutrient load in the Lake.

    Where: Carnegie Resource Center at 119 West 3rd Ave.  Wheelchair accessible
    When: April 11, 2024   --  at 7:00 p.m.
    Presenters: City Engineer and Project Personnel

    Bring your questions - Get informed
    *What is the history of the Lake and past projects?
    *What kind of timeline will the project entail?
    *How will this be funded? Taxes, Grants?
    *Why is it needed?
    *How will it help the citizens of Mitchell?
    *Will this lead to other issues?
    *What are the costs of restocking the Lake?
    *Will the money used for the Lake take funds from
    *Will the money used for the Lake take funds from other services?

    Carnegie Resource Center at 119 West 3rd Ave.
    Wheelchair accessible
    Date/Time Information:
    April 11, 2024   --  at 7:00 p.m.
    Contact Information:
    605-996-3209 or info@mitchellcarnegie.com
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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