• Tour de Corn

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    Name: Tour de Corn
    Date: August 18, 2023
    Time: 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:
    This A-Maize-Ing bike event has become a signature summer highlight in the Mitchell area, hosted by Palace City Pedalers in conjunction with a long list of sponsors. Riders can choose from 15, 35, 62 and 100 mile routes, all ending at the picturesque Lake Mitchell Day Camp for our popular BBQ lunch festival. With sag stations along the way and friendly local spectators and support, the Tour de Corn brings in hundreds of cyclers from several states. Register early to ensure you get a t-shirt and a goody bag!
    Kiwanis Park
    Mitchell, SD
    Date/Time Information:
    Friday, August 18
    5- 7:30 PM: Registration 
    5:30 PM: Pump Track Contest 
    5:30-8 PM: Food Truck Event
    8 PM: Glow Ride 
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