• Trap Shoot

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    Name: Trap Shoot
    Date: September 23, 2023
    Time: 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:
    Fundraiser for ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and local VFW Renovation Project. 
    -Teams consist of 5 shooters and teams my register in advance. Individual entrants will be drawn randomly to form additional teams.
    -Anyone including walk-ons may shoot practice rounds.
    -Team shooting will consist of 2 rounds of 25 clays each.
    -Includes: Clays and 12 or 20 ga. shells.
    -Awards will be given for best individual team
    -Lunch (bratwurst or hot dog, chips & drink)- Free Will Donation
    Mitchell Gun Club 
    406th Ave (W. Hwy 16)
    Date/Time Information:
    Saturday, September 23, 2023 
    9:15am to 12pm  
    Contact Information:
    Lyle Sunderland: 605-999-9677 Martin Christensen: 605-996-0116 Brenda Olson: 605-996-0897
    Registration fees are $50 per adult team shooter; $25 per youth and $50 per practice round. 
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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